《国学与西学》总目录(前十六期)Contents of All Volumes (1–16)
第一期目录 Contents of Vol. 1 全文下载Full texts download
第二期目录 Contents of Vol. 2 全文下载Full texts download
第三期目录 Contents of Vol. 3 全文下载Full texts download
第四期目录 Contents of Vol. 4 全文下载Full texts download
第五期目录 Contents of Vol. 5 全文下载Full texts download
第六期目录 Contents of Vol. 6 全文下载Full texts download
第七期目录 Contents of Vol. 7 全文下载Full texts download
第八期目录 Contents of Vol. 8 全文下载Full texts download
第九期目录 Contents of Vol. 9 全文下载Full texts download
第十期目录 Contents of Vol. 10 全文下载Full texts download
第十一期目录 Contents of Vol. 11 全文下载Full texts download
第十二期目录 Contents of Vol. 12 全文下载Full texts download
第十三期目录 Contents of Vol. 13 全文下载Full texts download
第十四期目录 Contents of Vol. 14 全文下载Full texts download
第十五期目录 Contents of Vol. 15 全文下载Full texts download
第十六期目录 Contents of Vol. 16 全文下载Full texts download
卷首语 From the Editor' s Desk *
黄保罗 国学与西学1
Paulos HUANG The Sino-Westem Studies4
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies
黄保罗 大国学视野中汉语学术对话神学的构建3
Paulos HUANGA Construction of Sino-Christian Academic Dialogical Theology
in the Light of Great guoxue17
YANG Xusheng The Transcendental Dimension of the Age of Disenchantment:
The Paradox of Religion in the Contemporary Context of
杨煦生 失魅时代的超越之纬:当代语境中的中国宗教难题28
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on
Church and Society
GAO Shining Knowing and Being Known: Chinese Society and
高师宁 认识与被认识:中国社会与基督教 41
孙尚扬、李丁 国学热、意义的匮乏与大学生对宗教的兴趣取向42
SUN Shangyang Chinese Traditional Culture Study Fever, Scarcity of Meaning
and the Trend of
LI Ding University Students' Attitude toward Religions 56
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
Milton MAN “Fear of the Lord" as the Beginning of Wisdom: An Asian
Reading of the Book of Proverbs59
温伟耀 敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端:《箴言》的亚洲式解读68
游斌 论比较经学作为汉语基督教经学的展开途径69
YOU Bin Comparative Scriptural Studies80
教会历史与中西文明变迁 Church History in the West and in China
王建平 喀什伊斯兰教及其与南疆维吾尔穆斯林社会的关系83
WANG Jianping Islam of Kashgar as Observed by the Missionaries from the
Mission Covenant Church of Sweden and their Contacts
with the Uyghur Muslim Society of South Xinjiang97
肖清和 明清天主教徒宗教生活与组织形式初探98
XIAO Qinghe A Preliminary Exploration on the Religious Life and
Organization of the Ming and Qing Catholic Christians118
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
CHOONG Chee Pang Pax Romana and Pax Sinica : A Tale of Two Empires 121
钟志邦 罗马与中国的和平:两个帝国的故事145
陈坚 救苦救难:观音与福音——兼谈基督教中国化 146
CHEN Jian Relieving People from Suffering and Misery: Guanyin,
Gospel, and the Chinese Contextualization of Christianity164
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
江怡 大国学框架中的汉语学术对话神学 167
JIANG Yi Sino-Christian Academic Dialogical Theology in the
Framework of the Great Guoxue 170
陈声柏、田飞 第三届“宗教对话与和谐社会”学术研讨会综述 171
CHEN Shengbai The Third Academic Conference on Religious Dialogue
and Harmonious
TIAN Fei Society 177
LIANG Yulong Report: “ Religion, Faith, State, and Society •
Conference 178
梁玉龙 宗教、信仰、国家与社会之北欧会议简讯185
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 179
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 194
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor' s desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语 From the Editor’s Desk*
黄保罗 文化建设中不能再阉割西学 1
Paulos HUANG The Western Studies Should not be Castrated anymore
in the Cultural Construction 4
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies
HE Guanghu State Faith and Religious Faith in Contemporary China 3
何光沪 当代中国的国家信仰与宗教信仰12
CHEN Xun A Theology of Chopsticks 13
陈驯 筷子神学刍议28
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
Philip L. WICKERI Cold War Religion: The Influence of the Cold War on Religion in China
and the United States 31
魏克利 冷战宗教:冷战对中美宗教的影响 44
李向平 基督教与中国公民社会——以中国基督教组织的
LI Xiangping Christianity and Chinese Civil Society —Taking the Working Mode of
Chinese Protestant Organizations as the Center 56
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
PENG Kuo-wei Reading Revelation in a Society Seeking Harmony 59
彭国伟 在一个追求和谐的社会里来阅读《启示录》66
施文华 保罗追求的和谐社群 67
SHI Wenhua PauPs Quest for a Harmonious Community 77
教会历史与中西文明变迁Church History in the West and in China
陈建明 基督徒支持孙中山发动辛亥革命的原因81
CHEN Jianming On the Reasons that Christians Supported the Revolutionary of 1911
led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen 90
陈才俊 英国传教士对晚清鸦片贸易的态度与行动91
CHEN Caijun The British Missionaries9 Attitudes and Actions to the Opium Trade
in Late Qing Dynasty 103
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
苏德超 金规则:拉平基督宗教与儒家107
SU Dechao The Golden Rule: A Comparison between Christianity
and Confucianism 117
Matthias CHRISTIAN A Personal Vision of China and the West
in Broad Historical Context 119
田默迪 以广阔历史视野看中国与西方关系之个人洞见132
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
Wright DOYLE Sino-Christian Theology:
A Theological Qua Cultural Movement in Contemporary China 135
戴德理 体现当代神学与文化运动的汉语神学140
张新樟 弘扬共同体理念,建设中华民族共有精神家园
ZHANG Xinzhang To Carry forward the Idea of Community,
To Construct the Common Spiritual Home of Chinese
——Review on the Academic Conference of Religion and the Construction of Chinese Social Ethic System 143
Abraham CHEN Report on the First Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies 145
陈永涛 第一届国学与西学北欧论坛简讯148
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 149
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 153
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor's desk, book reviews and academic reports.
首语 From the Editor' s Desk *
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies
Christopher HANCOCK Models of Society: Faith, Forms and Political Imagination 1
汉科克 社会模型:信仰、形式与政治的想像力5
ZHANG Zhigang Chinese Cultural Resources in Building a Harmonious World 3
—A Review of Exploratory Contributions by Chinese Senior Scholars
张志刚 共建和谐世界的中国文化资源——中国前辈学者探索成果评述
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino - Western Views on Church and Society
Philip L, WICKERI Cold War Religion: The Influence of the Cold War on Religion in China 13
韩晗 电子媒介、大学生活与基督教传播27
HAN Han E - media, University life and dissemination of Christianity31
——The Statistical Data Study of “Christianity Dissemination style”
Z University
黄剑波 合法性问题与地方基督教的生成41
HUANG Jianbo Legitimacy and the Becoming of Local Christianity 43
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
G・ Wright DOYLE Foundations for a Harmonious Society in PauP s Letter to the Ephesians 61
戴德理 保罗以弗所书中和谐社会的根基65
马乐梅 缀华语而别赋新义——以基督教概念“公义”为例77
MA Lemei Extending Chinese Traditional Words to Cover New Meanings 79
——Take Christian Concepts u righteousnessM as an Example
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
Claudia von COLLANI Salvation or Condemnation? 87
Vincentius Mascarell' s "Apologia" in the Chinese Rites Controversy
柯兰霓 得救还是定罪?马斯卡雷利在礼仪之争(1701)中的“辩护”91
褚潇白 另类的基督教——从“天兄”耶稣形象看“拜上帝教"的民间信仰特
CHU Xiaobai Another Type of Christianity117
——The Image of Jesus Christ the ‘Heavenly Brother’ in the Chinese
folk religion ‘The Religion of the Worship of God’
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
周玄毅 儒耶文化适应性比较初探126
ZHOU Xuanyi An Analysis on the Cultural Adaptability of Confucianism and Christianity
KANG Zhiji Catholic virgins and Protestant single female missionaries136
田默迪 以广阔历史视野看中国与西方关系之个人洞见137
——The comparison of two types of Christian single females
康志杰 天主教贞女与基督新教单身女传道:两种基督宗教独身女性的比较
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
Committee of International Journal of Sino —Western Studies149
Report on the 12th International Congress for Luther Research
第十二界国际路德研究学会 会议综述
杨林霞 “信仰社会学”:解读信仰与宗教信仰的新视角153
Yang Linxia Sociology of Faith: A New Perspective to Interprete Faith and Religious
——A Review on Professor Li Xiangping’s New Book Believing without Identifying : The Sociological Interpretation of Spiritual Beliefs in Contemporary China
朱东华 斯文谁复念公善157
ZHU Donghua A Review on Public Philosophy by Michael J. Sandel163
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 165
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 169
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor's desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语 From the Editor's Desk*
黄保罗 从传统与自由的关系来看基督教对当代中国的意义1
Paulos HUANG The Significance of Christianity to Contemporary China in the light of the
Relationship between Tradition and Liberty4
人学、神学与国学 Humanities,Theology, and Chinese National Studies
何其敏 在多样背景中理解国学 3
HE Qimin Discussion of Guoxue in the Multi - Background8
ZHANG Qiaogui Harmonious Coexistence and Conflicts among Religions
——A Theoretical Approach Based on Cases of Multi — Religion
Communities in Yunnan China9
张桥贵 多元宗教和谐与冲突——基于云南多元宗教关系的理论探讨17
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and
赵杰 “圣地”曲阜宗教“生态”调研报告之一
ZHAO Jie One of the Research Reports on Religious “Ecology” in Qufu the “Holy
——Taking the Relationship between Confucianism and Christianity as an
陈焕强 当代中国大陆网络基督徒社群研究31
CHEN Huanqiang A Research on the Cyber Christian Communities in the Contemporary
Mainland China44
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
LIANG Hui How Do Modern Chinese Christian Intellectuals Read the Bible?
——The Principles and Methodologies of Wu Leichuan and Zhao Ziehen forthe Interpretation of the Bible47
梁慧 中国现代基督徒知识分子是如何读圣经的?
吴莉苇 视角转换与经典的诠释
Andrea Liwei WU The Changed Perspective and Hermeneutics of Chinese Classics
——A Comment on Shifting Paradigms of Sinology by Examining the
Protestant Missionaries' View on Relationship between Confucianism and Monotheism 71
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
姚达兑 晚年马礼逊与儒耶争胜
YAO Dadui Robert Morrison and competing moral principles between Confucianism and
——Focuses on Mr. Morrison' s work of his late age Domestic Instruction
(1832) 84
王东 民初基督教救国运动个案研究
WANG Dong Early 20th Century Chinese Christian movement for saving China
——A Case study of General Chang Chih Chiang ' s How I Became A
Christian 91
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
Rudolf LARENZ Does Physics need a second scientific revolution?
——Christianity encourages tackling foundational problem of Physics95
拉仁兹 物理学需要第二次科学革命吗?
原春燕 离念与恩曲
YUAN Chuanyan Keeping away from Mindfulness and Grace
——A Study of Deconstruction to Faith Fanaticism in Buddhism and
Christianity 127
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
王文峰 基督信仰与21世纪的中国
WANG Wenfeng Christian Faith and 21st Century China
——A Report on the Fifth Forum of Chinese Theology in Boston134
尚季芳、赵赫依 一部研究边疆医疗卫生史的力作
SHANG Jifang and ZHAO Heyi
A masterpiece of researching on the boundary medical history
—— Comments and Introduction of Medical and Preach: the research about
the China Christian Zion medical service on the bonder districts of the Sichuan
and Kangding 138
王志希 作为:中国经验之产儿”的自由主义神学?
——读 Lian Xi' s The Conversion of Missionaries: Liberalism in American
Protestant Missions in China, 1907 -1932139
WANG Zhixi The Liberal Theology as the child of Chinese experience?
——Review on Lian Xi' s The Conversion of Missionaries: Liberalism in
American Protestant Missions in China, 1907 -1932142
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 143
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 147
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor's desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语 From the Editor’s Desk*
黄保罗 儒基会大战吗?1
Paulos HUANG Is there going to be a War between Confucianism and Christianity? 3
人学、神学与国学 Humanities,Theology, and Chinese National Studies
杨凤岗 基督教会、民主制度、公民宗教3
YANG Fenggang Christian Church, Democratic System and Civil Society 9
Paulos HUANG The Challenges and Opportunities for Christianity in Contemporary
China 11
黄保罗 基督教在当代中国所面临的挑战与机遇 21
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
PADMA ‘ Tsho Tibetan Buddhism in America
——A Tibetan Woman s Insights 25
白玛措 藏传佛教在美国
——一个藏族女性的视野 35
符哲琦 网络基督教的认同状况及其影响一基于对网络基督徒的调查 37
FU Zheqi The Recognition Status of Online Christianity and its Influence
——Based on the Survey of Online Christians 51
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
John Yueh-Han YIEH Conflict and Concord: Meandering on Biblical Visions of Social Relations
叶约翰 冲突与和谐:冥思圣经对于社会关系的愿景 77
梁工 圣经研究与西方文论建构 78
LIANG Gong Biblical Studies and the Establishment of Western Literary Theories
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
LIU Yi Building a Global Network of Local Churches: Vital Group, Home
Meeting, and Cooperate Body 89
刘义 建构地方教会的全球网络:活力排、家庭聚会及合一身体 101
郁喆隽 诸神之争——当代中国公共领域中的信仰冲突 103
YU Zhejun Struggle of Gods: Disputes of Faith in Public Sphere of Contemporary
China 110
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
林安梧 “儒耶会通”初论
——关於“人性”的“罪”与“善”之釐清与融通 113
LIN Anwu A Preliminary Study on the Integration between Confucianism and
——A Clarification and Intermediation between Sin and Goodness in
Human Nature 123
CHI Wei-hsian The Development and Cultural Characteristics of Local Religious
Organizations in Modern Taiwan
——And its Main Distinction from Christianity 125
齐伟先 现代台湾民间宗教组织的发展和文化特点
——及其与西方基督教的关键差异 137
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
王文峰 基督教与当代中国社会思潮
——第六届中国神学论坛英国牛津研讨会综述 141
WANG Wenfeng Christian Faith and Idological Trends in Contemporary China A Report on
the Sixth Forum of Chinese Theology in Oxford, UK 144
汲喆 书评:赵文词的《民主的教法》 145
JI Zhe A Review on Richard Madsen ' s Democracy ' s Dharma: Religious
Renaissance and Political Development in Taiwan 148
Niels GREGERSEN Confucianism and Christianity in Mutual Interaction 149
涅尔斯-格勒格森 双向式相互影响之中的儒家与基督教152
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 153
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 157
*Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor' s desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语 From the Editor’s Desk*
黄保罗 饶恕和解与认罪忏悔概念的缺乏1
Paulos HUANG The Lack of Conceptions of Forgiveness/Reconciliation and of Confessing/
Repentance 4
人学、神学与国学 Humanities,Theology, and Chinese National Studies
曹剑波 反思《论确实性》中枢轴命题理论对宗教怀疑主义的批判3
CAO Jianbo Reflecting the Theory of Hinge Propositions of On Certainty Criticizing Religious Skepticism 11
CHENG Jing Is There a God?—an Examination of Anselm's Ontological Proof of
God's Existence with Kant5s Refutation 13
成静 存在一位神吗?
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
卓新平 基督教在促进中美关系改善及中华文化发展上的作用27
ZHUO Xinping The Function of Christianity in Promoting the Improvement of Sino- American Relationship and in Developing Chinese Culture 31
SUN Shangyang Church Choice of University Student Christians in Beijing and Their
HAN Qi Religious Commitment 33
孙尚扬、韩琪 对北京市大学生基督徒的教会选择及其宗教委身调查分析49
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
王旭 海德格尔论“再临时刻”的存在论意义 53
WANG Xu Heidegger on the Existential Meaning of the Kairos of Parousia 61
徐雪梅 大义灭亲为公义
XU Xuemei ——《诗篇》82篇“神”与“众神”关系透析63
Trial of the gods of death for Righteousness
——An Analysis of the Relationship between God and the gods in Psalm 82 75
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
霍克功 试论中国特色基督教79
HUO Kegong Discussing on Chinese Characteristics on Chinese Christianity 89
咸娟娟 传教、医疗与政治:博德恩医院的创建与西北基督教传播研究91
XIAN Juanjuan Missionary, Medicine and Politics: on Creation of the Borden Memorial Hospital and Research of Northwest Christian Propagation 99
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
张 介 和谐社会—经济人与德兰修女103
Eric Chieh CHANG A Harmonious Society —Economic Men versus Mother Teresa 107
C. D. HANCOCK The seven-fold wisdom of love A Comparative Confucian-Christian
reading of 1 Corinthians 13 109
汉科克 爱的七重智慧:对《歌林多前书》十三章的儒基比较性阅读117
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
肖清和、王丹丹 中国天主教贞女研究新论:评《基督的新娘:中国天主教贞女研究》
New Research on Catholic Virgins in China: Bookreview on Kang Zhijie's Jidu de Xinniang:Zhongguo Tianzhujiao zhennv yanjiu xinlun [Bride of the Christ : The new Research on the Chinese Catholic Vrgins] 126
The Editorial Committee News for Abraham Chen's Doctoral Public Defense on T.C. Chao's
Christologyof IJOFSWS
本刊编辑部 陈永涛关于赵紫辰基督论的博士论文答辩通讯129
The Editorial Committee A Report on Christian Forum of Peace and Reconciliation in
Northeast Asia of IJOFSWS
本刊编辑部 东北亚和平与和好基督教论坛简讯133
投稿须须知 Notes for Contributors 135
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 139
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor's desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语From the Editor' s Desk *
黄保罗 基督信仰对于国家与社会视角的中国当代道德重建之意义1
Paulos HUANG The Significance of Christianity to the Contemporary Chinese
Reconstruction of Morality in the Light of State and Society 8
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies
梁家麟 论基督信仰的补充性与颠覆性功能3
LEUNG Ka-lun The Supplementary and Subversive Functions of Christian Faith 9
梁燕城 后殖民地基督教神学与中国哲学的灵性11
Thomas In-sing LEUNG The Spirituality of Postcolonial Christian Theology and Chinese
Philosophy 23
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and
周立 食品安全威胁下社会自我保护的三个场景:一家两制、食物主权替
ZHOU Li Three Scenes under Food Safety Threats: “One Family, Two Systems”,
Food Sovereignty and an Alternative Model 37
关启文 中国社会的性解放:从基督教伦理的角度反思39
Kai-man KWAN Sexual Liberation in the Chinese Society:
Reflection from the Perspective of Christian Ethics 56
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
瞿旭彤 中国基督教会的经典翻译与文化担当:一些初步的观察与思考59 QU Xutong The Translation of Christian Classics in the Chinese Christian church
and Its Cultural Responsibility 68
查常平 圣经的和平观的前设:自我与上帝的公义关系
ZHA Changping The Presupposition of the Biblical Concept of Peace, and Righteous
Relation between the Self and God——Human Fall and Reconciliation
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
张丽萍 对话与融合:四川基督教圣公会会督宋诚之的本色思想83
ZHANG Liping Dialogue and Integration: Thoughts of Bishop SONG Chengzhi of the
Sichuan Anglican Church 90
范正义 清末福建祭祖纠纷中的中西法律文化冲突91
FAN Zhengyi The Legal Cultural Conflicts Of Fujian Ancestor Worship Disputes In The Late Qing Dynasty 99
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
张守东 中西法律传统与普世伦理:十恶、十诫的比较103
ZHANG Shoudong Sino-Western Legal Tradition and the Universal Ethics:
A Comparison of The Ten Abominations and the Ten Commandments.
乔飞 基督教与中国自然法学的兴起113
QIAO Fei Christianity and the Rise of Chinese Natural Law Theory 126
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
瞿旭彤 基督宿仰与道德重建学术论坛 评述 129
QU Xutong A Review on the Academic Forum of Christian Faith and Moral
Reconstruction 132
侯春林 逻辑与偶然 ——查常平著作《新约的世界图景逻辑(第一卷)引论:
HOU Chunlin Introduction to the Logic of the World-picture of the NT (Volume 1):
The History Logic of the New Testament 136
黄保罗 简评台湾辅仁大学潘小慧教授在第三届尼山论坛之“儒家伦理与人
类共同伦理——以《孟子》几个与生命相关的例子为据的讨论” 137
Paulos HUANG A Review on PAN Xiaohui’s “Confucian Ethics and Human Common
Ethics” in the Third Nishan Forum 143
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 145
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 149
合作期刊信息Cooperated Journals
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor' s desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语 From the Editor's Desk*
黄保罗 马丁 •路德研究的芬兰学派与汉语语境的互动1
Paulos HUANG The Interaction between the Finnish School of Martin Luthers Research
and the Chinese Context 4
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies
拉乌尼奥 认识上帝和为邻舍而行动:路德神学中的修道士主义的
Antti RAUNIO Knowing God and acting for one's neighbor: Contemplative and active
life in Luther!s theology 10
刘陆鹏 原始宗教中的信11
LIU Lupeng The Concept of Faith in the Primitive Religions 18
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
杨庆球 王阳明与路德的属灵/成圣操练对现代人的启迪21
Jason H K YEUNG The Inspiration of WANG Yangming and Martin Luther for Modem
People in their Views of Spirituality and Spiritual Practices 37
陈驯 路德论政教关系39
CHEN Xun On the Relationship between Church and State According to Martin
Luther 48
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
侯建新 试论原罪说和因信称义说的现代价值51
HOU Jianxin On the Modem Values of the Theories of Original Sin and Justification
By Faith 56
王卉 话语为刀剑、媒介为土地的国度57
WANG Hui A Kingdom with Speech as Swords and Media as Soil 64
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
王亚平 马丁・路德“因信称义”的社会基础67
WANG Yaping The Social Basis of Martin Luthers Justification by Faith 73
徐凤林 东正教的“成神”与中国哲学的“成圣”75
XU Fenglin The Concept of Theosis in Orthodox Christianity and the Concept of
Sanctification in Chinese Philosophy 84
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
黄保罗、陈坚 马丁・路德研究的芬兰学派与中国佛学的互动87
Paulos HUANG
CHEN Jian The Interaction between the Finnish School of Martin Luther Research
黄保罗、霍克功 中国道教视野中的马丁・路德研究之芬兰学派103
Paulos HUANG
HUO Kegong Finnish School of Martin Luther Research in the Light of Chinese Daoist
Religion 110
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
黄保罗、梁燕城 关于马丁 •路德研究的芬兰学派与中国文化之间的对话113
Paulos HUANG
Thomas LEUNG A Dialogue between Paulos Huang and Thomas Leung concerning the
Finnish School of Martin Luther Study and Chinese Culture 123
FENG Zilian The Genuine Luther: A New Inteipretation fiom Mannermaa’s Perspective
A Review on the Collected Works of Mannemiaa the Father of the
Finnish School: A Study on Martin Luther 125
冯梓莲 曼多马的视野:评《芬兰学派之父曼多马文集:马丁・路德研究》
GAO Yuan Introduction to the Fourth Nordic Forum of Sino —Western Studies on The
Finnish School of Luther Research and Chinese Context (2014)
高源 第四届国学与西学北欧论坛报告:路德研究的芬兰学派与汉语语境 (2014) 141
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 143
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 147
合作期刊信息Cooperated Journals
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor's desk, book reviews and academic reports.
首语 From the Editor’s Desk*
黄保罗 从基督教视角看中国的道德价值观建设1
Paulos HUANG The Construction of Chinese Moral Values
in the light of Christianity 6
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies
汉斯-彼得. 格罗斯汉斯核心价值:一个欧洲的视角9
Hans-Peter GROSSHANS Core Values:An European Perspective 20
徐世强、陈建明 普世价值观的新构想一变“道德乌托邦”的
XU Shiqiang
CHEN Jianming Another Approach to Deal with Issues of Universal Values: From Moral
Utopia to a System of Scientific Universal Values 29
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
关启文、林睿豪 评价李银河的性伦理33
Kai-man KWAN
Yui-Ho LAM KWAN An Evaluation of Lin Yinhe s Sexual Ethics 49
袁浩 当代中国城市化进程中的民工教会
YUAN Hao Migrant Workers5 Church in the Process of Contemporary China's
Case Study of Mount of Olive Church in City A 63
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
马乐梅 圣经和合本与冯象译本对比研究——以《创世记》为例67
Mimi Lemei MA Comparative Study of the Chinese Union Version and Feng Xiang’s
Version of Bible Based on the Two Texts of Genesis 77
濮荣健 理性服务信仰:耶稣的受难和复活一从阿奎那回顾保罗79
PU Rongjian Reason Serving Faith:the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus
——from Aquinas back to Paul 88
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
段 琦 从2013年初对汕头宗教格局的调研
DUAN Qi The Similarities and Distinctions between Folk Religions and Christianity
in the Light of a Survey of Shantou Structure of Religions in the Beginning
of 2013 100
HE Zeyin Exploring Possibilities of Strengthening Chinese Christian Spirituality of
the Mainland in the Contemporary Context of China 101
何则阴 加强当代中国大陆文化语境之汉语
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
李远国 道的解释:哲学与神学层面的比较119
LI Yuanguo An Intepretation of Dao: A Contrast between Philosophical and
Theological Perspectives 130
何方耀 “原罪”与“业力”之比较与互释131
HE Fangyao Comparison and Mutu al-Interpretation between Sin and Karma 145
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
李华伟 经文辩读在中国的实践
LI Huawei Practices of Scriptural Reasoning in China:
Survey Report of “ the Experiment of Comparative Scripture and Inter-
Religious Dialogue” in University of Helsinki and Minzu University of
SUN Xiangchen The Possibility of Sino-Christian Theology:
from “Cultural Christian” to “ Christian scholar”165
孙向晨 汉语神学的可能性:从“文化基督徒”到“基督徒学者” 173
LI Fengling
ZHANG Na A Review on the International Philosophical Forum of
Values in a Changing World175
李逢铃、张娜 “变化世界中的价值”国际价值哲学论坛综述182
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 183
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 187
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editors desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语 From the Editor’s Desk*
黄保罗 从马丁・路德的政治神学来反思基督教的中国化1
Paulos HUANG A Reflection on the Sinicization of Christianity from Martin Luther's
Perspective of Political Theology 6
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology,and Chinese National Studies
ZHU Xiaoyuan The Religious Context of the German Peasants’War 3
朱孝远 德意志农民战争中的宗教12
王倩 宗教改革时期的“基督教之爱”13
WANG Qian A Christian Love in the Religious Refomation 21
实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and
杨煦生 世界伦理构想的时代语境与精神语境25
YANG Xusheng Temporal and Spiritual Context of the Concept of a Global Ethic 34
杜佳峰 论萨伏纳罗拉的基督徒正当生活35
LIN Jiafeng On Savonarola's Righteous Christian Living 43
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
刘林海 托马斯・M.林赛及其对宗教改革时期的《圣经》解释47
LIU Linhai Thomas M. Lindsay and His Interpretation of the Scripture in the
Reformation 55
徐乐天 浅谈马丁路德论教皇的权威57
XU Letian On Luthers Teaching on the Authority of Pope 62
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
侯树栋 关于十一世纪教会改革的两点思考65
HOU Shudong Two Points on 1lth-Century Church Reform 71
李宇恒 托马斯•莫尔的人文主义宗教观73
LI Yuheng Tuomas More's Religion of Humanism 82
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
孟广林 中西文化传统中的“神(天)”人关系观85
MENG Guanglin Relations between “God/Heaven” and Man in the Chinese and Western
Cultural Traditions 94
Sze Ting CHOW Animals and Monsters in Woodcuts of the German Reformation 95
周施廷 德国宗教改革木刻版画中的动物和怪兽105
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
周熙云 约翰•维特《从圣礼到契约西方传统中的宗教、婚姻和法律》
ZHOU Xiyun A Review of John Witte, Jr.'s From Sacrament to Contract: Marriage、
Religion and Law in the Western Tradition 113
徐 天 埃克•沃尔加斯特的《维滕贝格的神学与新教等级政治:政治问题中
XU Tian A Review of Eike Wolgast's Die Wittenberger Theologie und die Politik derevangelischen Stände. Studien zu Luthers Gutachten in politischen Fragen 117
世光 超越差异探索文化的共通之处《利玛窦:紫禁城里的耶稣会士》评介
SHI Guuang Beyond Difference: exploring the intersection of cultures. A review of R. Po-Chia Hsia's Li Madou: Zijincheng li de Yesuhuishi [Matteo Ricci: the Jesuits in the Forbidden City] 122
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 123
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 127
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor's desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语 From the Editor’s Desk*
黄保罗、祁进玉 中国的少数民族与基督教1
Paulos HUANG, QI Jinyu Chinese Ethnic Minorities and Christianity4
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies
李守雷 西双版纳地区基督教的地域适应与变迁3
LI Shoulei The Regional Adaptation and Change of Christianity
in Xishuangbanna11
马明忠、张科 宗教生态格局中的传剧13
MA Mingzhong, ZHANG Ke The Spreading of Christianity amongst the plural Ethnic and Religious Ecological Context in Qinghai during the Late Modem Period 23
实践神学与中西教会和社Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
王雨 乡村基督教的社会功能研究
WANG Yu A Study on the Social Functions of Countiyside Christianity:
A Case Study of Three Villages in Liangshan County37
张晓武 阴山地域文化区基督教(新教)圣乐现代本色化创作进程39
ZHANG Xiaowu Localized Producing Process of Protestant Christian Sacred
Music in Yinshan Regional Cultural Area 45
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
高志英、沙丽娜 中缅北界慄僳族、怒族的“基督教化”与基督教的
“本土化”研究 49
GAO Zhiying, SHA Lina The Christianization of Nu and Lisu Nationality in the northern part
of border areas between China and Myanmar and the Localization
of Christianity62
兴 安 蓝色的圣乐:呼和浩特蒙古族基督徒本色化圣歌探析63
XING An A Study of Mongolian Protestants Indigenization
of Hymn in Hohhot72
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
宝贵贞 遣使会与塞外三个传教中心的形成75
BAO Guizhen Congregation of the Mission with the Formation of Three Missionary
Centers in Mongolia (或 Beyond the Great Wall 塞外)81
苏翠薇、余文良 云南基督教慈善事业的实践与探索83
SU Cuiwei,YU Wenliang The Practice and Exploration of Christian Charity
in Yunnan Province 91
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
莫铮宜 明清之际浙东士人朱宗元西学观研究
——兼与黄宗羲相关思想比较 95
MO Zhengyi A Study of ZHU Zongyuan’s Opinion of Western Studies:
A Comparison with Huang Zongxi 105
鄂崇荣 河湟流域基督教传播与民间信仰的互动107
E Chongrong The Mutual Reaction between Christian Spreading and Folk Beliefs
in the Hehuang Valley 114
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
艾菊红、徐茂林 一个多元族群村庄中的天主教117
Al Juhong, XU Maolin Catholicism in a Village with Multi-Ethnic Groups 127
G. Wright Doyle Review on Yearbook of Chinese Theology 2015 129
戴德理 《博睿中国神学年鉴2015》简评135
Chapter 30 “Yiwen zhi”: Treatise on Record Sources 137
班固 《汉书》第30章《艺文志》156
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 157
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 161
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement 165
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor's desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语From the Editor’s Desk*
黄保罗 对话与批判:十六世纪的宗教改革与现代性1
Paulos HUANG Dialogue and Critique: The 16th Century Religious
Reformation and Modernity 12
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology and Chinese National Studies
李文耀 行使爱他者的自由:潘霍华看性与婚姻3
LEE Man Yiu Being-free-for-the-other: Bonhoeffer on Sex and Marriage 14
冯梓琏 尼格仁的圣爱伦理及其当代辩护15
FENG Zilian Anders Nygren^ Agape Ethics and its Contemporary Defenses 26
Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
陆臻 媒介商品化对家庭亲子关系的影响及恩典教育的解决之道29
LU Zhen Influence of Media Commodification on Family Kinship and
Solution of Gracious Education 34
陈永浩、招雋宁 香港基督信徒婚姻态度调查35
Michael W H Chan
Kace C N Chiu Survey of Hong Kong Christians' attitude on Marriage 47
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
包兆会 从创世记2:4-24看神的婚姻观及其在世俗时代的意义51
BAO Zhaohui On Biblical the View of Marriage and Its Significance
in the Era of Secularization. With the Case Study of Genesis 2. 4-24 57
濮荣健 《圣经》的婚姻观与相关的伦理解析59
PU Rongjian An Analysis on Biblical Marriages and Related Ethics 69
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
GAO Yuan Augustine's Conception of Sexuality and Marriage:
A Defense against Alignment of Human Merits on Continence 73
高源 奥古斯丁性与婚姻观:驳禁欲功德的排序79
王涛 婚姻圣事中的性事:圣多马斯的婚姻伦理81
Anthony Tao WANG Sexuality in the Sacrament of Matrimony:
St. Thomas Aquinas5 Ethics of Marriage 93
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
王道维 从“友善交流座谈会”反思教会对同志的牧养与神学议题97
WANG Daw-Wei Reflection of the pastoraland public theologies for
LGBT group in Chinese churches, based on
the experience of “Forum of Friendly Interflow” 108
赖品超 神爱与人爱:路德与多玛斯之间109
LAI Pan-chiu Divine Love and Human Love:
Between Martin Luther and Thomas Aquinas 119
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
郭鸿标 从神学角度看婚姻123
H. B. KWOK Marriage in the Perspective of Theology 128
郑筱筠 当代宗教慈善的中国经验及其发展趋势129
ZHENG Xiaoyun Contemporary Chinese Religious Philanthropy Experiences and
the Trend of Development 138
The Committee of Five Documents concerning the Amendment to
IJSWS the New Marriage Act in Finland 139
本刊编辑部 关于芬兰婚姻法修订案的五个文件164
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 165
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 169
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement 172
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor's desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语 From the Editor’s Desk *
黄保罗 宗教改革五百周年与法1
Paulos HUANG The 500th Anniversary of Religious Reformation and Law 6
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology and Chinese National Studies
李 晶 从相等到平等:马克斯•舍勒论基督教民主3
LI Ji ng From Even to Equality:Max Scheler on Christian Democracy 12
成凤梁 再访自然法思想:以路德和加尔文为中心13
LIANG Chengfeng Revisist The Thought of Natural Law——Martin Luther and John Calvin
Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
刘澎 困惑与挑战:中国的宗教立法27
LIU Peng Puzzles and Challenges: The Legislation of Religions in China 37
霍克功 中国当代宗教事务管理的历史进程39
HUO Kegong The Historical Process of Chinese Contemporary Religious Affairs
Management 51
附录 《宗教事务条例》新旧对比53
Appendix A Contrast between the New (2017) and Old (2004) Versions of Religious
Affairs Regulations 71
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
莫铮宜 第二圣殿时期利未人与《诗篇》的编纂80
MO Zhengyi The Levits and the Compilation of the Psalter During the Time of the Second
Temple 81
IAP Sian-chin A Comparative Study on the Two Earliest Chinese Pentecostal Periodicals :
Popular Gospel Truth and Pentecostal Truth 99
叶先秦 两份早期五旬宗报刊的比较研究:《通传福音真理报》和《五旬节真理
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
黄悦波 景教“十诫”和唐律“十恶”之比较一兼与张守东先生商榷115
Job HUANG Compare Ten Commandments of Nestorianism with Ten Evils of Tang
Code 117
王兆芝 “十诫”与“十恶”——立足于法律文化史的比较观察129
WANG Zhaozhi Ten Commandments and Ten Evils: A Comparative Study from History of
Legeil Culture 133
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
徐 新 论犹太文化与犹太教的同一性140
XU Xin On the Identity of Jewish Culture and Judaism 141
乔飞 “二姓好合”与“二人一体”——儒耶婚姻要件之法文化比较155
QIAO Fei Marriage Alliance for Two Clans and Unity for Two Persons : Legal Culture
Comparison between Confucianism and Christianity in Marriage Conditions 159
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
李锦纶 中国天道观与动态永恒169
Kam-Lun Edwin LEE Chinese Understanding of Heavenly Dao and Dynamic Eternity 171
张 铮 论中国的义务教育与宗教教育181
ZHANG Zheng On the Compulsory Education and Religious Education in China 183
张仕颖 路德研究的新高潮:两次国际路德研究会议综述
ZHANG Shiying The New High Tide on Lutheran Research : A Summary on Two
Conferences of International Lutheran Research 188
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 189
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 193
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement 196
* Neither English abstracts nor key words arc provided for the foreword from the editor's desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语From the Editor’s Desk *
Paulos HUANG
Nikolay SAMOYLOV Orthodoxy in China: History, Current State and Prospers for Studies1
尼古拉・萨摩依洛夫 东正教在中国:历史、现状与研究前景13
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology and Chinese National Studies
Aleksandrs Dmitrenko The Intellectual Approach of Chinese Academia towards the Orthodox
亚历山大・德米特兰科 汉语学界对东正教研究的基本取向26
LAI Pan-chiu Chinese Explorations of Orthodox Theology: A Critical Review 27
赖品超 汉语学界对正教神学的探索:一个批判性的回顾41
Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
L. A. Afonina Chinese Orthodox Martyrs of 1900: Survey of Historical Sources and
Church Veneration45
柳博芙・阿芙尼娜 1900年的中国东正教殉道者:历史记载及教会敬奉研究71
Dmitry I. PETROV SKY Modem State and Perspectives of the Orthodox Church in China73
德米特里・彼得罗夫斯基 中国东正教会现状与前途84
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
Dmitri MAIATCKII The Book “ Conversations in the Assembly of Angels”(天神会课)
by N. Bichurin as the First Experience of Creating an Orthodox Religious Text in Chinese87
马义德 比丘林的《天神会课》——东正教传教士用中文创造宗教文本的
Tatiana A. PANG The Orthodox Catechism in the Manchu Collection of the Institute of
Oriental manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences99
庞晓梅 俄罗斯科学院东方文献研究所收藏的满文东正教理问答108
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
Irina KEIDUN History and Present State of Orthodoxy in China: A Review of Studies
Published in the Russian Far East after the Year 2000111
伊丽娜・凯东 中国东正教历史与现状:对2000年以后出版于俄罗斯远东地区的
Hartmut WALRAVENS The Publications of Sinologist A. Leont'ev as Reviewed in the
Russische Bibliothek (St. Petersburg) 119
魏汉茂 俄国汉学家列昂季耶夫的出版物及其在《俄罗斯图书馆》(圣彼
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
A. V. LOMANOV Issues of Chinese Culture and Religion in Periodicals of the Russian
Ecclesiastical Mission in Peking (1904—1917) 143
罗曼诺夫 中国文化与宗教问题在俄罗斯驻北京传教团的期刊(1904— 1917) 161
张百春 关于俄罗斯哲学和东正教研究的两个对话163
Paulos Huang, Xu Fenglin
Zhang Baichun Two Dialogues on Russian Philosophy and Orthodox Research209
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
Elena KOLPACHKOVA Problems of Translation of Orthodox Lexis to Chinese213
林一诺 浅析现代汉语中东正教术语翻译222
Ekaterina ANDREEVA Scientific Conference Series “Orthodoxy in the Far East” in St. Petersburg;
Natalia PETUKHOVA Important Contribution to Religious and Cultural Studies223
纳塔利娅.彼图霍娃 圣彼得堡“远东地区东正教学术研讨会”对宗教文化研究的重要贡献
LIU Xiaoyi Book Review on Wang Xuedian's Chronicle of the 20th Century Chinese
CHEN Feng Historiography235
陈峰 《二十世纪史学编年》评述240
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors241
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements245
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement248
*Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor's desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语 From the Editor’s Desk *
YOU Xilin
ZHANG Jun Aesthetics, Art and Theology in China1
Paulos HUANG
黄保罗 中国的美学、艺术与神学
人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology and Chinese National Studies
BAI Junxiao Reasonable Measurement and Motion: Numerical Order in the Soul and
柏峻霄 理性的测量和运动:灵魂和音乐中的数理秩序48
宋旭红 光何以美?——论基督教教父释经学对《创世记》首章中光的美学阐
SONG Xuhong How can Light be Beautiful? On the Aesthetic Interpretations of Light in
Genesis 1 by Patristic Exegetes59
Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
董丽慧 明清之际随传教士入华的西文插图书籍及其在华影响63
DONG Lihui In fluence and Diffusion of Illustrated Books Imported by Western
Missionaries in the 16th and 17th Century China72
Sung Sook KIM The Korean Poet Yoon Dong Ju's Cross and its Image of Martin Luther
金性淑 尹东柱《十字架》诗中所体现的马丁路德形象考察91
中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
刘光耀 命运与使命、诗歌神学与诗歌的神学——《岛子诗选》研究95
LIU Guangyao Destiny and Mission, Poetic Theology and the Theology of Poetics——A
Study of Dao Zi Selected Poems104
RONG Guangqi On Christian Poetry of Contemporary China105
荣光启 当代中国基督徒的诗歌创作112
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
ZH A Changping A History of Ideas in Pioneering Contemporary Chinese Art as a History of
查常平 中国先锋艺术思想史——作为灵性史123
张怡 民国时期基督教艺术的本土化——以陆鸿年作品为例125
ZHANG Yi The Localization of Christian Art in the Republic of China——Taking Lu
Hongnian’s Works as an Example133
比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
HWANG Youngmee The Meaning of Christianity in the Film and Novel “The Flowers of War”
黄荣美 电影及小说《金陵十三钗》的基督教意义159
Three Comparative Studies by LI Yi, FANG Weilin and Leyli ALEKSANYAN
LI Yi “To Have” or “to Be”:Way of meaning and being -Fromm’s encounter
with Lao Zi and Meister Eckhart 161
李宜 “有”还是“是”:意义与存在之途——当弗洛姆径遇老子及埃克哈特大
FANG Weilin The Hidden Feminine Tradition of Trinity186
方蔚林(笔名舒也) 三位一体结构中的阴性传统197
Leyli The names of God in the Hebrew Bible and the absence of names of God in
ALEKSANYAN the Armenian Bible 198
雷丽 希伯来圣经中上帝的名字在亚美尼亚译本中的缺席204
书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports
刘平 文学想象中的本色神学:墨面基督——评姜原来《兰林复活节》207
LIU Ping One Indigenous Theology of the Literary Imagination:Ink-faced Christ
——A Book Review of Jiang Yuanlai's Easter in Lanlin 212
张迎迎 1990-2017年中国大陆基督教音乐研究综述213
ZHANG Yingying A Review of Christian Music Studies in Mainland China from 1990 to 2017 219
郝青松 以基督信仰带领中国当代艺术:宗教改革对艺术史的发问与呼召221
HAO Qingsong Chinese Contemporary Art with the leading of Christian Religion: Religion
Reform questions and calls on art histor 231
投稿须知 Notes for Contributors 232
注释体例及要求 Footnote Format and Requirements 236
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement 239
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor's desk, book reviews and academic reports.
卷首语From the Editor’s Desk*
游斌、黄保罗 基督教中国化视角下的路德新诠释1
YOU Bin, New Interpretation of Martin Luther in the Perspective of Christian Sinicization
人学、神学与国学Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies
LAI Pan-chiu Justification by Faith and Protestant Christianity in China: With Special
Reference to the Finnish Interpretation of Luther 21
賴品超 因信称义与基督新教在中国:兼论芬兰学派对路德的诠释33
顾 涛 约伯倾注孔子的灵——孔子的偶像化和神圣性35
GU Tao Confucius and Job: The Poor in Spirit 46
Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society
HUANG Chao The Investigation of the Phenomenon of Stealing Sheep by Almighty God Cult QIN Junhui in the West Rural Area of Hubei 49
黄超、覃俊辉 鄂西农村“全能神”邪教“偷羊”现象调查57
LAI Shih-Kung A Binary Approach to Modeling Complex Urban Systems 59
赖世刚 复杂城市系统的二元建模67
中西经典与圣经Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible
李秋零 从释经原理看康德对路德神学的态度71
LI Qiuling Kant’s Attitude to Luther’s Theology in the Light of Hermeneutic Principle
张西平 白晋对易学内篇—义理的阐释79
Joachim Bouvet’s Interpretation on the Inner Chapters of Book of Changes
ZHANG Xiping 102
教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China
冯惠敏 武汉大学通识教育的历史与展望105
FENG Huiming General Education in Wuhan University:A History and Prospect 110
肖清和 晚明天使论:高一志与《神鬼正纪》初探111
XIAO Qinghe Angelology in Late Ming: On Gao Yizhi (Alphonse Vagnoni,1566-1640) and
Shengui zhengji (True Recordings on Gods and Ghosts) 124
比较宗教文化研究Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies
TIAN Wei, On Limits of Confucian Conception of Immortality and Supporting Path from
Tr: WANG Dafei Christian Everlasting Life 144
译者 王达菲 儒家不朽观及其限度与基督教永生观及其支援 144
冯梓琏 “致良知”与“基督就在信本身之中”:王阳明与曼多马伦理思想比较研究 145
FENG Zilian Extension of Innate Knowing and Christia Present in Faith: A Comparative
Study of Wang Yangming’s and Mannermaa’s Ethical Theor 153
书评与通讯Reviews and Academic Reports
徐凤林 东方教父神学自由概念简析157
XU Fenglin On the Concept of Freedom of the Eastern Fathers of the Church 162
杨道圣 宗教改革与西方艺术图像志的变化163
YANG Daosheng The Reformation and the Change of Iconography in Western Art 171
黄保罗 “精神人文主义:马丁·路德与儒家”工作坊报告173
Paulos HUANG A Report on the Workshop “Spiritual Humanism: Martin Luther and Confucianism” 234
投稿须知Notes for Contributors
注释体例及要求Footnote Format and Requirements
* Neither English abstracts nor key words are provided for the foreword from the editor’s desk, book reviews and academic reports.