No. 13, 2017 (2017年第十三期)

(December 2017, 2017年12月)

IJSWS # 13,封面和封底 Front and Back
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IJSWS # 13,封二和封三 Inside Cover.jpg
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IJSWS # 13,扉页及编辑委员会 Front page and Edito
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目录 Contents

IJSWS # 13,目录 Contents.pdf
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卷首语 From the Editor's Desk

# 13,pp. 1-6 Paulos HUANG,The 500 Anniversary of Religious Reformation and Law

IJSWS # 13,pp. 1-6 黄保罗Paulos HUANG, 宗教改革
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人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies

IJSWS # 13,pp. 1-2 人学、神学与国学Humanities, T
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# 13, pp. 3-12 LI Jing, From Even to Equality:Max Scheler on Christian Democracy

IJSWS # 13, pp. 3-12 李晶LI Jing,从相等到平等马克
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# 13, pp. 13-23 LIANG Chengfeng, Revisist The Thought of Natural Law———Martin Luther and John Calvin

IJSWS # 13, pp. 13-23 梁成凤LIANG Chengfen
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实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society

IJSWS # 13,pp. 25-26 实践神学与中西教会和社会Practic
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# 13, pp. 27-37 LIU Peng, Puzzles and Challenges:The Legislation of Religions in China

IJSWS # 13, pp. 27-37 刘澎LIU Peng,困惑与挑战中
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# 13, pp. 39-61, HUO Kegong, The Historical Process of Chinese Contemporary Religious Affairs Management

IJSWS # 13, pp. 39-51 霍克功HUO Kegong,中国当
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#13 pp. 53-67, Appendix, A Contrast between the New (2017)  and Old(2004) Versions of Religious Affairs Regulations

IJSWS # 13, pp. 53-67 附录,«宗教事务条例»新旧对比.p
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中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible

IJSWS # 13, pp. 69-70 中西经典与圣经 Chinese an
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IJSWS # 13, pp. 71-80, MO Zhengyi, The Levits and the Compilation of the Psalter During the Time of the Second Temple

IJSWS # 13, pp. 71-80 莫铮宜MO Zhengyi,第二圣
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IJSWS # 13, pp. 81-99 IAP Sian-chin, A Comparative Study on the Two Earlies tChinese Pentecostal Periodicals: Popular Gospel Truth and Pentecostal Truth

IJSWS # 13, pp. 81-99 IAP Sian-chin叶先秦,
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教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China

IJSWS # 13, pp. 101-102 教会历史与中西社会 Church
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IJSWS  # 13, pp. 103-105, Job HUANG, Compare Ten  Commandments of Nestorianism with Ten Evils of Tang Code

IJSWS # 13, pp. 103-115 黄悦波Job HUANG,景教
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IJSWS # 13, pp. 117-129 WANG Zhaozhi, Ten Commandments and Ten Evils: A Comparative Study from History of Legal Culture

IJSWS # 13, pp. 117-129 王兆芝WANGZhaozhi,
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比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies

IJSWS # 13, pp. 131-132 比较宗教文化研究 Compara
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IJSWS # 13, pp. 133-140 XU Xin, On the Identity of Jewish Culture and Judaism

IJSWS # 13, pp. 133-140 徐新XU Xin,论犹太文化与
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IJSWS # 13, pp. 141-155 QIAO Fei, Marriage Alliance for Two Clans and Unity for Two Persons: Legal Culture Comparison between Confucianism and Christianity in  Marriage Conditions

IJSWS # 13, pp. 141-155 乔飞QIAO Fei,“二姓好
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书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports

IJSWS # 13, pp. 157-158,书评与通讯 Reviews an
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IJSWS # 13, pp. 159-169 Kam Lun Edwin LEE, Chinese Understanding of Heavenly Dao and Dynamic Eternity

IJSWS # 13, pp. 159-169 李锦纶Kam Lun Edwi
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IJSWS # 13, pp. 171-181 ZHANG Zheng, On the Compulsory Education and Religious Education in China

IJSWS # 13, pp. 171-181 张铮ZHANGZheng,论中
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IJSWS # 13, pp. 183-186 ZHANGShiying, The New High Tide on Lutheran Research: A Summary on Two Conferences of International Lutheran Research

IJSWS # 13, pp. 183-186 张仕颖ZHANG Shiyin
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附件 Attachments

IJSWS # 13, pp. 193-195 Notes for Contri
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全文下载 Download the Full Text

IJSWS # 13, 全文 Full Text pp. 1-196.pdf
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Calligraphy of journal title by Prof. LIU Dajun (Chairman of the Chinese Yiching Association, Professor of Shandong University.)刊名题字:刘大钧(山东大学终身教授、中国周易研究会会长)


The logo of journal is taken from a Han Dynasty brick carving. It is a flying dragon with one head, two wings, four feet and one tail; and it symbolizes the reality of Chinese thinking system. 本刊 logo 取自汉砖图案,是一只一首两翼四足一尾的飞龙, 象征中国精神体系的实然形象。
