IJSWS # 17,pp. 1-15 Paulos HUANG, The authorities for a jingdian (Classic) to become a jing (Canon) in the Chinese Context
IJSWS # 17,pp. 19-36 LIU Qingping, The historic turn of the Confucian destiny from “not being used” to “being valued”
IJSWS # 17,pp. 37-45 YU Tao, Social Concern in Protestant Spirit On the Role and Significance of the Reformation
IJSWS # 17,pp. 49-58 ZHENG Xiaoyun, On the Religious Management Model in Chinese Theravada Buddhism
IJSWS # 17,pp. 59-73 Rachel X. ZHU, The Impact of Christian Charity on Chinese Society and the Challenges in the futur e
IJSWS # 17,pp. 77-88 David F.FORD, The Potential of Interreligious Dialogue in China and Globally; the Continuation of Scriptural Reasoning in China
IJSWS # 17,pp. 89-94 Tuula SAKARANAHO, Scriptural Reasoning Response to Professor David F. Ford and Professor You Bin
IJSWS # 17,pp. 95-107 Aleksi KUOKKANEN, Attempts to Understand Scriptural Reasoning
IJSWS # 17,pp. 111-134 Claudia von Collani, The Jesuits Andreas Koffler and Michael Boym at the Court of the Yongli Emperor
IJSWS # 17,pp. 135-144 LIN Chunjie, A Historical Investigation of the Relationship between State and Church in Germany in the 20th Century
IJSWS # 17,pp. 147-158 ZHANG Hua, Anthropological Perspective of Contemporary Theology and the Pluralism of Christianity
IJSWS # 17,pp. 159-169 ZHANG Ruiming, Existential Ti-Theology Development of Xiong Shili's Lianglun through Kant and Husserl
IJSWS # 17,pp. 173-184 ZHANGYunyan, The left-wing Route of“Memory Identity”and Its Identification Dilemma-Focusing on Max Silverman's Plimpsestic Memory-The Holocaust and Colonialism in French and Francophon
IJSWS # 17,pp. 185-212 WANG Shuai, A Research on the Development of the Russian Orthodox Church in the First Decade after the Enthronement of Patriarch Kirill-Inheritance, Transformation
IJSWS # 17,pp. 213-221 Woodroffe and Alaranta, Juris Entropia
IJSWS # 17,pp. 222-230 Notes for Contributors, Footnote Format and Requirements