No. 5, 2013 (2013年第五期)

(December 2013, 2013年12月)

IJSWS # 05,封面和封底 Front and Back Cover.pd
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IJSWS # 05,封二和封三 Inside Cover 2 and 3.pd
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IJSWS # 05,扉页及编辑委员会 Front pages and Edit
Adobe Acrobat Document 194.0 KB

目录 Contents

IJSWS # 05,目录 Contents.pdf
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卷首语 From the Editor's Desk

# 05,pp.01-04 Paulos Huang, Is there going to be a War between Confucianism and Christianity?

IJSWS # 05,pp. 01-04 黄保罗:儒基会大战吗?.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 276.8 KB

人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies

IJSWS # 05,pp. 1-2 人学、神学与国学 Humanities,
Adobe Acrobat Document 18.7 KB

IJSWS # 05,pp.3-10 YANG Fenggang, Christian Church, Democratic System and Civil Society

IJSWS # 05,pp. 3-10 杨凤岗:基督教会、民主制度、公民宗教.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 667.4 KB

IJSWS # 05,pp.11-22 黄保罗:基督教在当代中国所面临的挑战与机遇

IJSWS # 05,pp. 11-22 Paulos HUANG, The C
Adobe Acrobat Document 872.8 KB

实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society

IJSWS # 05,pp. 23-24 实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practi
Adobe Acrobat Document 11.1 KB

IJSWS # 05,pp.25-36 白玛措:藏传佛教在美国:一个藏族女性的视野

IJSWS # 05,pp. 25-36 PADMA Tsho, Tibetan
Adobe Acrobat Document 849.7 KB

IJSWS # 05,pp.37-52 FU Zheqi, The Recognition Status of Online Christianity and ites Influence: Based on the Study of Online Christians

IJSWS # 05,pp. 37-52 符哲琦:网络基督教的认同状况及其影响:
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.3 MB

中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible

IJSWS # 05,pp. 53-54 中西经典与圣经Chinese and
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IJSWS # 05,pp.55-77 叶约翰:冲突与和谐:冥思圣经对于社会关系的愿景

IJSWS # 05,pp. 55-77 John Yueh-Han YIEH,
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.9 MB

IJSWS # 05,pp.78-86 LIANG Gong,Biblical Studies and the Establishment of Western Literary Theories

IJSWS # 05,pp. 78-86 梁工:圣经研究与西方文论建构.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 691.6 KB

教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China

IJSWS # 05,pp. 87-88 教会历史与中西社会Church His
Adobe Acrobat Document 9.6 KB

IJSWS # 05,pp.89-102 刘义:建构地方教会的全球网络:活力排、家庭聚会及合一身体

IJSWS # 05,pp. 89-102 LIU Yi, Building a
Adobe Acrobat Document 941.8 KB

IJSWS # 05,pp.103-110 YU Zhejun, Struggle of Gods: Disputes of Faith in Public Sphere of Contemporary China

IJSWS # 05,pp. 103-110 郁喆隽:诸神之争:当代中国公共领域
Adobe Acrobat Document 768.1 KB

比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies

IJSWS # 05, pp. 111-112 比较宗教文化研究 Compara
Adobe Acrobat Document 18.6 KB

IJSWS # 05,pp.113-124 LIN Anwu, A Preliminary Study on the Integration between Confucianism and Christianity: A Clarification and Intermediation between Sin and Goodness in Human Nature

IJSWS # 05,pp. 113-124 林安梧:“儒耶会通”初论:关于“人
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB

IJSWS # 05,pp.125-138 齐伟先:现代台湾民间宗教组织的发展和文化特点:及其与西方基督教的关键差异

IJSWS # 05,pp. 125-138 CHI Wei-hsian, Th
Adobe Acrobat Document 959.3 KB

书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports

IJSWS # 05,pp. 139-140 书评与通讯 Reviews and
Adobe Acrobat Document 17.5 KB

IJSWS # 05,pp.145-148 JI Zhe, A Review on Richard Madsen's Democracy's Dharma:Religious Renaissance and Political Development in Taiwan

IJSWS # 05,pp. 145-148 汲喆:书评:赵文词的《民主的教法》
Adobe Acrobat Document 337.7 KB

IJSWS # 05,pp.149-152 涅尔斯·格勒格森:双向式相互影响之中的儒家与基督教

IJSWS # 05,pp. 149-152 Niels GREGERSEN,
Adobe Acrobat Document 269.0 KB

附件 Attachments

IJSWS # 05,pp. 153-160 投稿须知 Notes for Co
Adobe Acrobat Document 454.7 KB
IJSWS # 05,pp. 161 订单 Order Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 55.1 KB

全文下载 Download the Full Text

IJSWS No. 5 Dec. 2013 Main Text.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 12.9 MB

Calligraphy of journal title by Prof. LIU Dajun (Chairman of the Chinese Yiching Association, Professor of Shandong University.)刊名题字:刘大钧(山东大学终身教授、中国周易研究会会长)


The logo of journal is taken from a Han Dynasty brick carving. It is a flying dragon with one head, two wings, four feet and one tail; and it symbolizes the reality of Chinese thinking system. 本刊 logo 取自汉砖图案,是一只一首两翼四足一尾的飞龙, 象征中国精神体系的实然形象。
