No. 6, 2014 (2014年第六期)

(June 2014, 2014年6月)

IJSWS # 06,封面和封底 Front and Back Cover.pd
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IJSWS # 06,封二和封三 Insider Cover 2 and 3.p
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IJSWS # 06, 扉页及编辑委员会页 Front Page and Edi
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目录 Contents

IJSWS # 06,目录 Contents.pdf
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卷首语 From the Editor's Desk

IJSWS # 06,pp.01-04 Paulos HUANG: The Lack of Conceptions of Forgiveness/Reconciliation and of Confessing/ Repentance

IJSWS # 06,pp. 01-04 黄保罗:饶恕和解与认罪忏悔概念的缺乏.
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人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies

IJSWS # 06,pp. 1-2 人学、神学与国学 Humanities,
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IJSWS # 06,pp.3-12 CAO Jianbo: Reflecting the Theory of Hinge Propositions of On Certainty Criticizing Religious Skepticism 

IJSWS # 06,pp. 3-12 曹剑波:反思《论确实性》中枢轴命题理论对
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IJSWS # 06,pp.13-24 成 静:存在一位神吗?——对安瑟伦神存在的本体论证明及康德的批驳的考察

IJSWS # 06,pp. 13-24 Cheng Jing Is There
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实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society

IJSWS # 06,pp. 25-26 实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practi
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IJSWS # 06,pp.27-32 ZHUO Xinping: The Function of Christianity in Promoting the Improvement of Sino- American Relationship and in Developing Chinese Culture

IJSWS # 06,pp. 27-32 卓新平:基督教在促进中美关系改善及中华
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IJSWS # 06,pp.33-50 孙尚扬、韩琪:对北京市大学生基督徒的教会选择及其宗教委身调查分析

IJSWS # 06,pp. 33-50 SUN Shangyang, HAN
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中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible

IJSWS # 06,pp. 51-52 中西经典与圣经 Chinese and
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IJSWS # 06,pp.53-62 WANG Xu: Heidegger on the Existential Meaning of the Kairos of Parousia

IJSWS # 06,pp. 53-62 王 旭:海德格尔论“再临时刻”的存在论
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IJSWS # 06,pp.63-76 XU Xuemei: Trial of the gods of death for Righteousness—An Analysis of the Relationsship between God and the gods in Psalm 

IJSWS # 06,pp. 63-76 徐雪梅:大义灭亲为公义——《诗篇》82
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教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China

IJSWS # 06,pp. 77-78 教会历史与中西社会 Church Hi
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IJSWS # 06,pp.79-90 HUO Kegong: Discussing on Chinese Characteristics on Chinese Christianity

IJSWS # 06,pp. 79-90 霍克功:试论中国特色基督教.pdf
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IJSWS # 06,pp.91-100 XIAN Juanjuan: Missionary, Medicine and Politics: on Creation of the Borden Memorial Hospital and Research of Northwest Christian Propagation

IJSWS # 06,pp. 91-100 咸娟娟:传教、医疗与政治 :博德恩医
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比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies

IJSWS # 06,pp. 101-102 比较宗教文化研究 Comparat
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IJSWS # 06,pp.103-108 Eric Chieh CHANG: A Harmonious Society – Economic Men versus Mother Teresa

IJSWS # 06,pp. 103-108 张 介:和谐社会 - 经济人与德兰
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IJSWS # 06,pp.109-118 汉科克:爱的七重智慧 :对《歌林多前书》十三章的儒基比较性阅读

IJSWS # 06,pp. 109-118 C. D. HANCOCK The
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书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports

IJSWS # 06,pp. 119-120 书评与通讯 Reviews and
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IJSWS # 06,pp.121-126 XIAO & WANG: New Research on Catholic Virgins in China: Bookreview on Kang Zhijie's Jidu de Xinniang:Zhongguo Tianzhujiao zhennv yanjiu xinlun [Bride of the Christ : The new Research on the Chinese Catholic


IJSWS # 06,pp. 121-126 肖清和、王丹丹:中国天主教贞女研究
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# 06,pp.127-130 本刊编辑部:陈永涛关于赵紫辰基督论的博士论文答辩通讯

IJSWS # 06,pp. 127-130 The Editorial Com
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# 06,pp.131-134 本刊编辑部:东北亚和平与和好基督教论坛简讯

IJSWS # 06,pp. 131-134 The Editorial Com
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附件 Attachments

IJSWS # 06,pp. 135-141 投稿须知 Notes for Co
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# 06,p.142 订单 Order Form

IJSWS # 06,p. 142 订单 Order Form.pdf
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全文下载 Download the Full Text

IJSWS No. 6 June 2014 Contents and Main
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Calligraphy of journal title by Prof. LIU Dajun (Chairman of the Chinese Yiching Association, Professor of Shandong University.)刊名题字:刘大钧(山东大学终身教授、中国周易研究会会长)


The logo of journal is taken from a Han Dynasty brick carving. It is a flying dragon with one head, two wings, four feet and one tail; and it symbolizes the reality of Chinese thinking system. 本刊 logo 取自汉砖图案,是一只一首两翼四足一尾的飞龙, 象征中国精神体系的实然形象。
