No. 7, 2014 (2014年第七期)

(December 2014, 2014年12月)

IJSWS # 07,封面和封底 Front and Back Cover.pd
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IJSWS # 07,封二和封三 Inside Covers 2 and 3.p
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IJSWS # 07,扉页及编辑委员会 Front pages and Edit
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目录 Contents

IJSWS # 07,目录 Contents.pdf
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卷首语 From the Editor's Desk

IJSWS # 07, pp. 01-08 Paulos HUANG: The Significance of Christianity to the Contemporary Chinese Reconstruction of Mora1ity in the Light of State and Society

IJSWS # 07, pp. 01-08 黄保罗:基督信仰对于国家与社会视角的
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人学、神学与国学 Humanities, Theology, and Chinese National Studies

IJSWS # 07, pp. 1-2 人学、神学与国学 Humanities,
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IJSWS # 07, pp. 3-10 LEUNG Ka-1un: The Supp1ementary and Subversive Functions of Christian Faith

IJSWS # 07, pp. 3-10 梁家麟:论基督信仰的补充性与颠覆性功能
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IJSWS # 07, pp. 11-24 Thomas 1n-sing LEUNG: The Spiritua1ity of Postcolonial  Christian Theology and Chinese Philosophy 

IJSWS # 07, pp. 11-24 梁燕城:后殖民地基督教神学与中国哲学
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实践神学与中西教会和社会 Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society

IJSWS # 07, pp. 25-26 实践神学与中西教会和社会 Pract
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IJSWS # 07, pp. 27-38 ZHOU Li: Three Scenes under Food Safety Threats: "One Family, Two Systems,Food Sovereignty and an Alternative Model

IJSWS # 07, pp. 27-38 周立:食品安全威胁下社会自我保护的三
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IJSWS # 07, pp. 39-56 Kai-man KWAN: Sexual Liberation in the Chinese Society: Reflection from the Perspective of Christian Ethics

IJSWS # 07, pp. 39-56 关启文:中国社会的性解放从基督教伦理
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中西经典与圣经 Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible

IJSWS # 07, pp. 57-58 中西经典与圣经 Chinese an
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IJSWS # 07,pp. 59-68 QU Xutong: The Translation of Christian C1assics in the Chinese Christian church and Its Cultural Responsibi1ity

IJSWS # 07,pp. 59-68 瞿旭彤:中国基督教会的经典翻译与文化担
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IJSWS # 07,pp. 69-80 ZHA Changping: The Presupposition  of the Bib1ical Concept of Peace,and  Righteous Relation between the Self and G0d 一一一 Human Falland Reconciliation

IJSWS # 07,pp. 69-80 查常平:圣经的和平观的前设自我与上帝的
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教会历史与中西社会 Church History in the West and in China

IJSWS # 07, pp. 81-82 教会历史与中西社会 Church H
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IJSWS # 07, pp. 83-90 ZHANG Liping: Dialogue and  1ntegration: Thoughts of Bishop  SONG Chengzhi of the Sichuan Ang1ican Church

IJSWS # 07, pp. 83-90 张丽萍:对话与融合:四川基督教圣公会
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IJSWS # 07, pp. 91-100 FAN Zhengyi: The Legal Cu1tura1 Conf1icts of Fujian Ancestor Worship Disputes in The Late Qing Dynasty 

IJSWS # 07, pp. 91-100 范正义:清末福建祭祖纠纷中的中西法
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比较宗教文化研究 Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies

IJSWS # 07, pp. 101-102 比较宗教文化研究 Compara
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IJSWS # 07, pp. 103-111 ZHANG Shoudong: Sino-Western Lega1 Tradition and the Universal Ethics: A Comparison of The Ten Abominations and the Ten Commandments

IJSWS # 07, pp. 103-111 张守东:中西法律传统与普世伦理:
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IJSWS # 07, pp. 113-126 QiAO Fei: Christianity and the Rise of Chinese Natural Law Theory

IJSWS # 07, pp. 113-126 乔 飞:基督教与中国自然法学的兴
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书评与通讯 Reviews and Academic Reports

IJSWS # 07, pp. 127-128 书评与通讯 Reviews an
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IJSWS # 07, pp. 129-132 QU Xut0ng: A Review 0n the Academic Forum of Christian Faith and Mora1 Reconstruction 

IJSWS # 07, pp. 129-132 瞿旭彤:基督信仰与道德重建学术论
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IJSWS # 07, pp.133-136 HOU Chunlin: Introduction to the Logic of the Wor1d-picture of the NT(V01ume1): The History Logic of the New Testament 

IJSWS # 07, pp. 133-136 侯春林:逻辑与偶然一一一击常平著
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IJSWS # 07, pp.137-144 Pau1os HUANG: A Review 0n  PAN Xia0hui's " Confucian Ethics and  Human Common Ethics" in the Third Nishan Forum   

IJSWS # 07, pp. 137-144 黄保罗:简评台湾辅仁大学潘小慧教
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附件 Attachments

IJSWS # 07, pp. 145-154 投稿须知及订单 Notes fo
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全文下载 Download the Full Text

IJSWS No. 7 Dec. 2014 Main text.pdf
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Calligraphy of journal title by Prof. LIU Dajun (Chairman of the Chinese Yiching Association, Professor of Shandong University.)刊名题字:刘大钧(山东大学终身教授、中国周易研究会会长)


The logo of journal is taken from a Han Dynasty brick carving. It is a flying dragon with one head, two wings, four feet and one tail; and it symbolizes the reality of Chinese thinking system. 本刊 logo 取自汉砖图案,是一只一首两翼四足一尾的飞龙, 象征中国精神体系的实然形象。
