All submissions to the Journal are blind-reviewed. At least two specialists, in addition to the editor, will read and evaluate each submission. Normally authors may expect to hear from the editor about the suitability of their submissions for publication in the Journal within two to three months. The publisher holds the copyright of the articles published in the Journal. All submissions should be sent to: the Committee of the journal by email: or
Editorial Committee
International Journal of Sino-Western Studies,
Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland
Email:, Tel. + 358-40-836-0793
or email:
The Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies is a university-related research platform based in Helsinki. We aim at encouraging Sino-Western dialogue, research, and enhancement of scholarly activities, e.g., conferences, student & scholar exchange, academic essay prize, and publication. As part of its publication programs, the Forum publishes a new Chinese-English bilingual journal to promote Sino-Western Studies internationally.
Our journal is published twice a year in June and December simultaneously in both printed and online versions. We follow international editorial conventions, which include informative journal titles, fully descriptive article titles and abstracts, key words, complete bibliographic information for all cited references, and full address information for every author. We publish full text either in English or in Chinese, and in the later case the bibliographic information is also offered in English. Our journal is peer-reviewed, and cited references are in the Roman alphabet. We emphasize international diversity among the journal’s contributing authors, editors, and editorial advisory board members.
One of the most unique features of our journal is its obvious aim in developing the Sino-Western Studies (especially related to sinology and theology) as an academic discipline. The five columns of the journal offer an interdisciplinary forum/scope to give the greatest encouragement for the study of humanities, theology, Chinese national studies, and practical theology. The focus also covers Sino-Western views on church and society, the relation between Chinese and Western classics and the Bible, church history, and comparative religious and cultural studies.
Since theology has not to this day been an academic discipline in the official Chinese system of education, the experienced know-how of international scholars will be able through this journal to contribute an important input to Chinese academia. Meanwhile, a reflection on China and a dialogue with Chinese scholars will so enrich international humanistic and theological researches so as to yield a global influence.
In the digital and internet age, our journal is different from others especially in providing scholars in the field to publish their scholarly findings in both printed and online versions, voluntarily to let readers to view and quote the abstracts of articles free of charge. And we also offer readers an access to the full text of articles either in PDF online format or in printed version with a reasonable payment. More details can be found at the Copyright and Full texts sections.
In addition to the five columns, submissions on book reviews and academic reports are also welcome.
For further information please contact
本刊已被芬兰国家图书馆、美国宗教与神学提要 (R&TA) 、托马森路透the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) ,ATLA Religion Database® (ATLA RDB®,, theBibliography of Asian Studies, EBSCO 和 SCOPUS 数据库收录。
主 编:黄保罗 Editor-in-chief: Paulos HUANG
副主编:肖清和Vice-editor-in-chief: XIAO Qinghe (网络版)
副主编:苏德超Vice-editor-in-chief: SU Dechao (微信版)
ISSN for Print Version 纸质国际标准期刊号 1799-8204
ISSN for Online Version 网络电子版国际期刊号 2242-2471
(1)研究性论文(Research Articles):国学、西学研究、及国学和西学比较的原创性学术论文。
(2)书评(Book Reviews):对近来出版的相关学术专著的评介。(3)会议综述和报道(Conference Reports): 对相关学术会议的深入报道。
2. 本刊全年公开征稿,凡与本刊内容相关的学术论文均欢迎各界人士投稿,但内容必须是首次(特例另加说明)发表的原创性学术研究成果。
3. 中英文文稿均被接受。以中文投稿的研究论文需附英文摘要和关键词;以英文投稿的稿件需附中文的摘要和关键词。原则上,论文含注释中文稿件为8000至12000字为宜,论文含注释英文稿件以不超过12000字为宜,书评及会议报道每篇一般以3000字为限,特殊情况另论。
(2)中英文摘要 (各以 200-700 字为宜)、关键词(以5个词为限)。
8. 本刊所刊登的文稿,作者文责自负,一切立论不代表本刊观点。版权归本刊所有。
9. 稿件一经刊登,本刊将于出版后赠送当期期刊的PDF版本。为倡导绿色环保理念,不再寄送纸质版本。本刊不付稿酬。
Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland.
办公电话: + 358-40-836-0793
International Journal of Sino-Western Studies
1. International Journal of Sino-Western Studies(IJS)is published semi-annually every June and December by the Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies (members from Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark) and sponsored by the University of Helsinki, Peking University, and Jilin University. It covers areas in
Humanities, Theology, and Chinese guoxue (National Studies),
Practical Theology and Sino-Western Views on Church and Society,
Chinese and Western Classics and the Bible,
History of the Church and State in the West and in China,
Comparative Religious and Cultural Studies,
Reviews and Reports on Academic Conferences.
2. The types of work we prefer to publish:
a. Research Articles: Original articles related to the topics mentioned above.
b. Book Reviews: Reviews on books or articles that are related to our themes.
c. Academic News: In-depth reports on conferences or other academic news related to our themes.
3. IJS welcomes the submission of texts throughout the year; it is required that the text is original and has not been previously published.
4. The text can be written in Chinese or in English. An English article should have a Chinese abstract, and vice versa. The length of a Chinese article should be between 8,000 and 12,000 Chinese characters, including footnotes. An English article should have no more than 12,000 words, including footnotes. A book review or a report on academic news is usually limited to 3,000 words. Exceptions will be decided separately.
5. Articles should follow the following format:
a. Both a Chinese and an English title, the author’s occupation, position, and contact information; see the Article Submission Cover Page.
b. A 200-700-word abstract and the maximum of 5 keywords in English and Chinese should be included.
c. Full information on publications should be included in the footnotes.
Footnotes must follow the style stated in our Footnote Format and Requirements. For the purpose of an anonymous review, please refrain from revealing the author’s identity in the article; when citing the author’s own work, please refrain from using the first person pronoun.
6. Please submit two paper copies of the article by mail and one in an electronic form through email. The electronic file should take the Microsoft Word format.
7. Article submitted to IJS will be peer-reviewed first by the editorial committee, then by two scholars of a relevant field, and if necessary a third scholar will be invited to review. The author will receive the decision within three months after submitting the article. The editorial committee has the right to ask for a revision of an article and will thereafter decide whether the article will be published.
8. The author shall agree to authorize IJS the right to the reproduction of the article either electronically or in print.
9. The author is solely responsible for the content of the article, and any viewpoint expressed therein does not necessarily reflect the opinion of IJS. After publication, IJS reserves the copyright of the article.
10. The author will receive two copies of the IJS in which the article is published, no fees or royalties are paid to the author.
Please send your article or suggestion to:
Editorial Committee
International Journal of Sino-Western Studies,
Vellikellontie 3 A 4, 00410 Helsinki, Finland
Email with attachment to:
Tel. + 358-40-836-0793